But sometimes...it takes a good night's sleep, a shift in perspective, support from your tribe, and some serious laughter to help you FEEL that way!
Women are always performing amazing balancing acts between work, family, and trying to have some semblance of a social life.
Rarely do we make the time to put ourselves first.
And, of course, we're living in and uncertain and crazy time.
So are you at home stocked up and surrounded by food, feeling stressed and anxious, trying to create a routine for your kids and yourself, and wondering if this is going to be our new normal?
Does ice cream or chips or _______ (fill in the blank with your favorite comfort food) sound really good right now?
At the same time, do you keep telling yourself that this extended staycation is also a gift? Because... well, besides the precious time with family, this is the perfect opportunity to create some new self-care habits - ones that will lead to losing some unwanted pounds and getting stronger and fitter than you've ever been before.
Sound like a dream come true? Well, I'm here to tell you...
That's why I created Worth The Wait. And I'm here to coach and support you.
Especially now?
Most diets and weight loss programs focus our thoughts and energies on what we're not supposed to do. For example, rules like "we should avoiding bad carbs." And we wind up feeling like we're depriving ourselves of something we really want. And this puts us in a mental state of scarcity.
Just think about all the seniors being told right now that they can't run a simple errand like going to the grocery store. If you have older parents, during the last few weeks, you probably feel like they've reverted back to their teenage years.
But it's human nature.
So when we're told we can't eat "bad" carbs, we wind up constantly thinking about the "bad" carbs and comfort foods we enjoy, and then the inevitable self-sabotaging thoughts like "why can't I stick to the plan?" or how about "what's wrong with me?" start playing in our heads.
And then what happens? We prove ourselves right!
So we give up on our dream of "habits" and are lured back to the quick fixes so we can at least see a change in the number on the scale and feel like we're doing something that works.
Ah yes, those old thought patterns and well-established habits come back and overwhelm our fledgling new habits.
Luckily, there is a way to prevent this from happening.
Even if you’ve been doing the yo-yo dieting thing for years, I'm telling you that it doesn't have to be this way.
We can stop the struggle and you really can create new habits so you can sleep better, feel fabulous and have the patience and energy you need to be the mom you want to be.
And now... that moment you've been waiting for... š Here's how we make lasting weight loss easy.
1. We start with mindset, identifying the self-limiting beliefs stopping us from taking consistent action.
2. We focus on listening to our body and the joy of eating to nourish our bodies
3. We teach you how to apply The Abundance Principle to create "new & improved" habits
4. With the Moxie Club, we have a built-in private online community to support you.
5. We keep you on track by gently but firmly holding you accountable.
"Hi, I'm Amy Lang, founder and chief motivating officer of Moxie Club.
For over 15 years, my team and I have worked with thousands of clients to achieve their weight loss and fitness goals.
As a Certified Personal Trainer and Precision Nutrition Coach, I've had the honor and privilege of working with hundreds of clients. And I definitely know a thing or two about what works and what doesn’t work when it comes to motivation and creating healthy habits.
Identify AND practice several key habits to move you towards your long-term goals,
Uncover the thoughts and beliefs that undermine most of our efforts, and
Develop strategies and doable plan to overcome the usual resistance to change.
Feel confident that you have the know-how to keep moving forward as life happens and unfolds before us.
(Limit of 10 spots available)
Worth The Wait Course, Downloadable WTW Planner, Group Coaching Sessions, Morning Boost, 3-month Moxie Club Membership.
Worth The Wait Course, WTW Planner, Moxie Club Membership PLUS Initial 90-min Private Consultation, Bi-Weekly Private 60-min Coaching Sessions.
For 55 years, I hated exercise. Then I found Amy, and between the small group training sessions and fitness classes, I love the feeling of moving my body and have been a regular for the past 2-1/2 years and counting.
With exercise and eating healthier, I feel stronger and have much more energy. Currently I’m walking about 8 miles everyday while on vacation. I wouldn’t have that kind of energy if I wasn’t fit.
"āLooking back, I was at a point where I was ALMOST going to give up. I had tried so many different things when I finally decided to give this program a try. I'm so glad I did. I've developed a sense of self-care which has impacted ALL parts of my life in amazing ways. My marriage… career… everything."
Stage 1 – Excited (14-21 days)
Stage 2 – Intentional (22-60 days)
Stage 3 – Automatic (61-90 days)
Worth The Wait takes into account what can happen during each of these stages and then provides the strategies and tools you'll need to successfully navigate each of the three stages.
While everything is shiny & new, we lay the foundation.
The 3 Basics of Weight Loss
The 5 Key Habits
Know Your Numbers
What To Eat
Habit Forming
When life wants to get in the way, you've got a Plan B that works.
Stress Eating
Overcoming Overeating
Over Hunger
Thinking Healthy & Fit
Falling Forward
When you start seeing the results of your healthy groove.
Fine Tuning
About Those Annoying Plateaus
The Last Few Pounds
Loose Clothes, Loose Skin
Enjoying The Journey
Let me say this up front. As the name suggests, Worth The Wait is not a quick fix. It is a comprehensive step-by-step transformation program for people who are ready and committed to creating healthy lifestyle habits that are sustainable.
So that you'll never have to diet again.
Our community is highly educated and filled with helpful, motivated, and amazingly supportive members who are committed to their health and wellness and helping others do the same.
When you join you will be part of this special group.
Now here’s the kicker.
Within 30 days of the official start, if you do the work, show me your filled out planner page, and you’re still not satisfied, I’ll gladly give you a refund.
Seriously, if you don’t feel more empowered and have more insight into what you can do to lose weight and get fit, simply reach out to me directly, show me you’ve put in the work, and I’ll refund your investment.
What our most successful clients asked before joining.
The next group starts on May 4, 2020.
When you enroll, you'll have immediate access to Module 1, "Orientation" of Worth The Wait. We highly recommend completing this module before the program officially starts.
Here are some of the healthy habits we'll be exploring – It's completely up to you as to which ones you want to incorporate into your life.
The most important thing you need is...YOU.
During Phase 1 - Planning and Prep Modules, we'll strategically lay out your action plan, identify your why and create the abundance mindset that's been missing.
Our Joyful Eating approach gives you a simplified approach to eating nutritious meals that fit your lifestyle.
Remember, YOU are ALREADY Awesome. It's true - even if you don't feel that way right now. Sometimes it just takes a little sweat, support, and a LOT of fun to make you FEEL that way!
We have extensive experience working with clients that are recovering from and rehabbing injuries, especially for the knees, shoulders and hips. We demonstrate modified exercises so you can perform them safely.
Worth The Wait is for people of all ages, fitness levels, and body types.
Plus, we always provide modified versions of an exercise so you can focus on proper form and go at your own pace. We can always scale the workouts to your fitness level.
I know you’re excited to try Worth The Wait. Even if you’ve been sidetracked and let down before, you’re currently feeling a wave of renewed optimism knowing that by this time next week you could be plugging yourself into an easy-to-follow, super-effective methodology for shifting your mindset and adding up small wins every single day. You feel confident grabbing your access details knowing you have 30 days to put it to the test.
Within 30 days of the official start, if you do the work, show me your filled out planner page, and you’re still not satisfied, I’ll gladly give you a refund.
Seriously, if you don’t feel more empowered and have more insight into what you can do to lose weight and get fit, simply reach out to me directly, show me you’ve put in the work, and I’ll refund your investment.
(Limit of 10 spots available)
Creating this business and applying what I've learned has literally transformed my own life.
I've experienced first hand what it feels like to struggle with weight loss and feeling like no matter what I did, I couldn't get to where I wanted to be. And then how easily what I wanted came to me after a shift in mindset.
Let's create that healthy habit GROOVE that you've always wanted.