When it comes to weight loss and getting healthy and fit, are there so many things you could be doing, or you think you should be doing, that you wind up feeling overwhelmed?
Do you try to overhaul your life? Perhaps choosing two or three habits to work on at once?
Or maybe because you think you've got to do it exactly right... that you really can't afford to make a mistake, so then you wind up doing nothing.
Well, what we've got here is some overwhelm, with a dose of perfectionism, and maybe a hint of overthinking.
All of these keep us from taking consistent action, which is the key to getting the results you want.
And they are all forms of all-or-nothing thinking.
In this episode, I'm going to help you identify when all-or-nothing thinking is happening. Mind you, it can be really sneaky. I'm also going to be explaining why it makes change much harder, and how you can overcome it.
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