When Cesar Millan rehabilitates dogs, he also spends time training the owners on handling the dogs with what he calls “calm-assertive energy.” More often than not, the dog's misbehavior is a reaction to what the unskilled owner is or isn't doing so focusing on the dog would be akin to treating the symptoms, not the problem.
When we look at extra weight as the problem and not the symptom, we are making the same mistake. It's this mistake that leads to thinking diets will solve the problem.
In this episode, I discuss how in order to achieve lasting weight loss, we need to build skills like exuding calm assertive energy and claiming our space when training dogs.
To register for the upcoming workshop, Building Resilience, taking place on September 1, 2021, from 5:00-7:00pm PDT, go to moxie-club.com/harness
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